Jon Bobovnik

Creative Director
What is in My Bag Bio Profile Q&A I'm Really Proud Of

What is in My Bag

Jon's "What's In Your Bag?"

bio Profile

Raised in the shadows of the steel mills of Youngstown, OH, Jon’s mischievous ways led him to not only disassemble his father’s tools but also discover his talents as an artist. With his ever-present fervor in uncovering what embodies beautiful design combined with a blue-collar work ethic, Jon’s career has been forged in all things creative from sculpture to furniture design to branding.

As the Creative Director in his current role here at Kalman & Pabst, Jon leverages his extensive experience as a designer to better align KP’s breadth of capabilities with agencies and brands alike. In his collaborations with our studio over the years, Jon’s tenure spans from leading creative teams of Fortune 500 companies to developing award-winning designs at the agency level.

Even though not all his father’s tools returned to their previous working state, this inspired curiosity and deep-rooted passion for discovery continues to be apparent in his undeniable, creative energy here at KP.

Q&A With Jon Bobovnik

What do you do during your “5 to 9” (after work)? 

You mean such a thing exists!?!

What is your Passion?

Steel sculpture, furniture design...basically making sh*t!

What inspires you?

Beauty & form in nature. Simplicity. Steel. Hartville Hardware. My Daughter.

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Cool Ranch Doritos. Handel's chocolate pecan ice cream.

What would be your superhero power?

Predicting winning lottery numbers...if only!

I'm Really Proud Of

The beautiful, confident, and compassionate young woman my daughter has become.