Jaime Aerni

What is in My Bag Bio Profile Q&A I'm Really Proud Of

What is in My Bag


bio Profile

Even in her earliest years, Jaime thought she was the Queen Bee and the ruler of the family. She would sass everybody around -- even her parents (sorry Mom and Dad!). Now that she is older and more mature, things have only slightly changed; she is still sassy, but in a more productive way!

After following her mother’s advice to pursue photography, Jaime earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Visual Communication Technology from Bowling Green State University and landed her internship at KP Photo in 2010. After graduation, she worked as a freelance assistant/photographer for four years. As much as she loved being on set and behind the camera, her real passion was the production aspect of the job and getting involved in all the details. She was then hired full time at KP in 2015, where she continues to put her sass and leadership skills to good use in the studio.

When not working, Jaime enjoys spending time with her husband, two youngsters, their adorable puppy dogs, and traveling whenever possible.

Q&A With Jaime Aerni

What do you do during your “5 to 9” (after work)? 

When I leave work, I go into mommy mode! My husband, Matt, and I cherish the few precious hours we get with our son each night after work. As tiring as it can be, being a mom is the most rewarding job I could ever dream of having.

What is your quirkiest trait?

Some people would say my "scream talking voice" or my obsession with my favorite color, purple!

What inspires you?

My son: He inspires me to pick up my camera and take more photos, even if they are mostly of him.

Traveling: Whether it is a walk around the block or a trip to another country, inspiration is everywhere; you just need to look around!

Pinterest: Cliché but true. I could spend hours looking through Pinterest for photography inspiration or diy projects for around my house.

Relaxing: Sometimes just having a glass of wine and some laughs with friends is all I need for inspiration to strike!

What’s your guilty pleasure?

Shopping at Target and indulging in a calorie filled caramel frappuccino while I’m there. Starbucks and Target in the same building?! It doesn’t get any better than that!

Worst fashion choice?

Toe socks.

I'm Really Proud Of

1) Creating a human life and carrying him for nine months while working full time.

2) When I was 18, I traveled/camped around the United States, living in a tent, visiting over 25 states and 30 National Parks in 9 weeks… all without a cell phone. I have three journals that document every day of my trip!