Our "COSE" Cool Office

When COSE recently announced that we won its "Coolest Office Space" contest, we were thrilled (and a little surprised). With so many chic new office spaces and creative boutiques planting their roots in Cleveland, could we really stack up to the competition?

We've been "living" in our renovated warehouse space since the late 90's. That's more than 6,000 days in the same space. Over time, it's easy to become desensitized to our creative surroundings and the features that make our studio unique.But when a few of COSE's members stopped by for a tour, seeing our studio through their eyes made us appreciate our space even more, and reminded us that what we do within our studio is just as important as the work we do outside of it.

Thanks to COSE for the wonderfully written articleand reminder of why we love doing what we do, and why we feel it's so important for our space to feel like a home away from home.

Even more importantly, COSE's article highlighted what we feel is even more important than our building -- it's the people inside of it. We're proud of our culture and feel that the space we occupy is a reflection of our culture, our generosity and our creativity.

Co-Owner Craig Brown expanded upon this in his radio interview with WTAM's Bill Wills.

We're extremely flattered and honored to be part of Cleveland's growing reasons of places to do business. Here's to 27 more years of "coolness".